Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 464 - Makeup and Beauty Blog

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Well, it isn't exactly a poll. It'due south more of a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I've been putting out to readers every Mon morning for the past 10 (!) years. (Information technology's like a kickstart for your encephalon.) I've e'er enjoyed reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you enjoy reading mine. ?

1. So, your makeup routine — what's the easiest office?

Of my regular routine? My brows, for certain.

Only they used to give me and so much grief. Now, though? Ever since I grew them out? All I do is I make full them in with a brow pencil, which is unremarkably the astonish-assurance MAC Brow Sculpt. Then I comb through them with spoolie on the back stop, and end with a little flake of Benefit Ready, Set, Forehead Gel.

That'southward it, and it all takes less than a infinitesimal.

Granted, I'm not obsessed anymore nigh getting my brows to look perfectly symmetrical. I used to exist a few years ago, but I don't mind now when they look a little messy and more more naturally bushy and unkempt.

ii. And what's the hardest part?

Pare. My foundation, concealer and powder. It'south because I'm admittedly obsessed with getting my skin to expect as natural equally possible, and the microsecond that I starting time to feel similar my coverage looks heavy, I just can't take it. I'll remove everything and start all over once more.

Equally I've gotten older, my tolerance for total-coverage foundation has decreased, even though I still recall information technology looks amazing in pics. I however wear full-coverage sometimes, but now I mostly spend a lot of time blending and layering to end up with something that looks like I'm non wearing anything at all… It's sort of a grab 22. I spend a lot of time figuring out what formulas are going to work for mu peel on any given day.

So, yeah. Skin. Past far, it'due south the most complex and fourth dimension consuming part of my rigmarole.

3. How well do yous think you'd handle super stardom/beingness a famous celebrity?

If we're talking about Katy Perry-level famous, I don't think I'd handle it well. I tin't imagine not being able to leave my house without dodging photographers in my front m.

On the other hand, if I were indie moving picture star famous, where I could still become a cup of coffee downwardly the street and maybe only exist recognized past a handful of people, I think I could handle that gracefully.

But anything more than that would push my ability to be polite.

four. How often do your nails interruption?

Nearly never (knocks on wood)! That said, I accept other beauty struggles. Like, my hair is hard to manage, I accept a bald spot in my brow that just won't become away (I'm talking to YOU, Raul), and I dealt with acne when I was younger, merely I've never actually had to worry about my nails breaking.

Here's a funny thing, though: I realized that I might be significant when my nails started breaking! Several fingernails and i of my toenails broke over a brusk period of time, which had never happened earlier. So I knew something was upwardly.

5. Metallic lips: yes or no?

Yes-ish. I like 'em, but I'thou more of a light opalescent metallic kind of girl.

I can't bargain with full-on melted metal lips.

6. Can you share a piece of life/beauty advice?

Uh…beauty-wise, don't hang out on Instagram too much or it'll give you lot a complex.

Life-wise, here's something that my friend Erika said to me the other twenty-four hours, and it really resonated. She said that some days you have to be comfortable lowering the bar for yourself — lowering your expectations, LIKE Actually LOW. In other words, sometimes giving your best has to mean just allowing your firm to be a complete mess or accepting that the baby is still in her pajamas at three p.k. or and making cereal for dinner. And yous have to allow yourself that sometimes and exist fine with it.

Happy Monday, my friend

My brushes are washed, my desk is devoid of piles of paper, and I'm excited because… Connor turns i this calendar week!!! Yup, officially, she won't be an infant anymore. She'll exist a toddler. Her birthday is this Thursday, but we're going to have a piddling party for her with just us and the grandparents on Saturday.

I'k also starting to get spring fever, and I tin't even brainstorm to tell you how excited I am about that. I can't wait to article of clothing dresses and sandals once more…

Oh, sandals! You know, at this point, after the winter we've been having, I'd even be happy with open-toed ankle booties. I'm that desperate.

Did yous watch the Oscars terminal nighttime?

I hope your week gets off to a brilliant get-go and that you experience clear-headed and strong. I also hope that whenever you need to find something in your business firm, part or handbag, it's right there at your fingertips when you need information technology, considering that'due south such a great feeling, isn't it?

Have a practiced great ane! 🙂

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.Due south. Hither are the poll questions to copy/paste:

1. Then, your makeup routine — what's the easiest part?
ii. And what's the hardest function?
three. How well do you think you'd handle super stardom/beingness a famous celebrity?
iv. How often do your nails intermission?
5. Metal lips: yes or no?
6. Tin can you share a slice of life/beauty advice?

P.P.S. Did you sentry the Oscars concluding night?


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