Never You See Again Some Like You

He asks me out just never makes plans — WTF? You get along really well and he seems to be into you. So much so that he tells you he can't look to hang out again and continue getting to know you. That sounds neat and all, but the problem is that information technology never actually happens. Why does he keep insisting he wants to see you merely never make an effort to actually do it? Here's what could be happening and why you shouldn't put up with information technology.

He's stringing you forth.

When a guy is into you, he'll make definitive plans to see yous once more. He won't be throwing breadcrumbs that lead to a dead end. When he starts going on about how much he wants to see you again, y'all should picket the actions that follow and forget about the sugariness words. He wants to hang with you in the same fashion that he wants to quit his job and backpack all over the globe. It's all empty talk that means goose egg at all.

He likes keeping his options open.

He might really want to see yous, but only if his other plans with other women fall through. By continuing to chat with him, you lot're just continuing your role as the backup woman. When he gets bored or lonely enough or has aught meliorate to do, he might really decide to run across upwardly with you. The best thing you can practice is make sure yous're non there when that invitation comes.

He wants to bank check that you're still into him.

It'south a nice ego boost for him to know that you're eager to spend fourth dimension with him again — he gets the high from it and doesn't even have to put in whatever endeavour to run into you again. Nice… until the next time he feels like another ego stroke, that is. What's extra annoying is that he'southward clearly arrogant enough to think that you'll ever say yes. Information technology doesn't fifty-fifty occur to him that y'all have enough self-respect and a firm enough grip on your self-worth to say thank you but no thank you when he finally decides it'due south time to follow through and make plans.

He's never going to exist with you.

Sad, merely if he's being this idiotic, he's clearly non serious about you and he's not going to come around. Guys who are serious do things very differently: they'll make information technology clear that they're into you and when they're going to come across you, downwards to the hr. It'south that simple. It doesn't take long to know that you really like someone, and you definitely don't need to look effectually for someone who's unsure about you.

He'due south confused and uncertain.

It could be that he's really just giving you mixed signals because he's the ane all over the place. Possibly he'due south non certain if he'd rather practise something else or come across you, or what it means if he does see you. Is he freaking out virtually appointment expectations? Whatever he's going through, it'south not your stuff to empathize. You don't need to teach someone how to be a good young man or even a mature adult. Don't waste your time.

He's not making you a priority.

Y'all experience crappy when he lets you down again. He makes you believe that he wants y'all to exist a priority merely to charm y'all into staying on his good side, but then he goes ahead and does the complete opposite. Why? Because he'due south a jerk. You're better than beingness someone's second (or third… or fourth…) option.

He'southward going with the flow and having fun.

He might simply be smashing to take fun and keep things light, so if he cancels plans or doesn't make definite ones, he doesn't think information technology's a large deal because he'southward the king of "there'due south e'er next fourth dimension." Merely dead fish go with the flow, dude. He obviously doesn't value your time or he wouldn't continue like this.

He's not looking for anything serious.

You can tell a lot near a guy from his small-scale behaviors, like whether or not he keeps his word near something like making plans to see yous. If he can't do that, then how is he going to follow through on all the bigger things? This guy isn't looking for anything serious and isn't going to commit. Not merely that, simply you lot sure every bit hell can't trust him, so he'due south really not worth your time.

He's playing hard to go? No, he's just not interested.

Why do guys play hard to get? To seem more appealing. According to diverse studies, men should play difficult to go to attract women otherwise women see them as unmanly and peradventure get suspicious of them if they're also attentive. Yous might think this guy is playing difficult to get to keep you on your toes and make him seem more desirable, merely no. If he was playing difficult to get, he'd have to quit the games to show he'southward serious or adventure losing yous. This guy is just not interested plenty but honestly, he's doing yous a huge favor.

What to exercise when he repeatedly asks you lot out but doesn't make plans

While the easiest answer here is to just walk abroad and never expect dorsum, you might actually want to give this a existent shot at succeeding. If that'southward the case, you need to accept activeness now so that either the issue of his weird, noncommital approach to dating is fixed immediately or you lot tin cut your losses and move on.

Telephone call him out on it.

If he repeatedly mentions how much he loves hanging out with yous and can't wait to do it once more, pull him on it. Enquire him when he plans on taking y'all out if he'southward so neat to do so. Tell him that you lot're really busy and accept a lot going on and so yous need to know whether or not to make room for him in your schedule. If he's notwithstanding flaky and gets weird almost it, you know non to take him seriously.

Try to brand plans with him yourself.

Let'south but give this guy the benefit of the doubt and assume that maybe he's shy or afraid of rejection and that's why he'south not being more forward. He wants you to take the reins, so do it. Ask him if he wants to go somewhere and do something at a specific time if he'south so excited about hanging out. If he says he's busy, offer an alternate time. If he still won't commit to coming together upwards, that tells y'all everything yous need to know.

Exercise a little poking around.

If you met him on a dating app, exercise a little peeking around to meet if he's super active on them, which could requite y'all some insight on why he'south and so hard to nail down. Check out his social media accounts and if he'southward active, see what he's been upwardly to lately that could possibly exist taking so much of his time and attention. It's an obvious ruby flag if he's a big partier or worse, if he's pictured with other women. That's a major sign he definitely isn't interested in dating you.

If you're not getting anywhere, know when to walk away.

If you've tried calling him out, making plans with him, and getting him to be a bit more than involved and y'all're non getting anywhere with him, know when to throw in the towel. Y'all should never have to chase a guy to give yous attention or want to see you. Not merely that, but if he'due south this blase and uninterested this early, what on earth would he exist like if you did eventually starting time dating? Wish him well and cutting ties so you can move on to someone who actually wants to pursue a relationship because it'south not him.

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