how to calculate grades to determine what to get on final exam

Course grade calculations depend on your Gradebook's organization and grade entry setting, percentages (described hither) or points:

  • No categories (default) - Each gradebook item is assigned a relative weight, which is also the item's bespeak value. The relative weight is applied to the student'southward percent grade for each item to find the pupil's score for that item. The form grade is determined by the sum of the student's item scores divided by the total points possible.
  • Categories only - Categories are used to grouping gradebook items, where items are assigned a relative weight.  Similar to a gradebook with No categories, the grade grade is determined past the pupil'due south total score divided by the total points possible. This structure provides the option to drib the lowest form(s), keep the highest grade(s), or driblet the highest grade(s) within a category.
  • Categories & weighting - Items are grouped into categories, where each category is assigned a percentage of the grade course.  The total score of all items in a category will comprise the category'south percent of the course grade. This structure provides the selection to driblet the everyman grade(south), proceed the highest course(s), or drop the highest grade(s) within a category.

Tip: To award students extra credit points, yous tin create extra credit items or categories, as described in How does actress credit work in Gradebook?

Annotation: To edit the relative weight (point value) of an particular added to the gradebook from another tool, such every bit Assignments or Tests & Quizzes, go to the item'due south tool of origin, e.g., Assignments. For more information, see How do I add and edit gradebook items from Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, or Lessons?

No categories

Screenshot example of No categories Gradebook with grades described below. Graphic link opens modal with larger image. Press Escape to exit modal.

In a default gradebook with No categories, the Gradebook calculates the course grade by:

  1. Calculating a student'southward score for each item past multiplying the per centum form the student earned past the item'due south relative weight (indicate value).

    In the case pictured above, Student Five earned 80% on Consignment 1, which has a relative weight of ten. His score for Assignment 1 is 0.fourscore 10 x = 8 points.

  2. Totaling the student's scores for all graded items in the category.

    Student V earned: Assignment one (viii points) + Consignment 2 (ix points) + Assignment iii (10 points) + Quiz ane (45 points) = 72 points.

  3. Totaling the betoken values for all graded items in the category.

    Consignment 1 (10 points) + Assignment ii (10 points) + Assignment 3 (ten points) + Quiz 1 (50 points) = 80 full points.

  4. Dividing the student'due south score by the total points, and so multiplying that number by 100.

    Pupil Five's course grade is xc%:

    • 72/fourscore = 0.90
    • 0.xc ten 100 = 90

Note: Ungraded items are non included in a educatee's class class.  Leaving a grade entry bare reduces the total points possible by the betoken value of the ungraded item for that student.

In the case pictured above, almost students were graded out of 80 total points.  However, Educatee Three has not received a grade for Homework 3 (10 points possible).  Thus, her course course is 59/70 = 0.8429 (84.29%).

Categories but

Screenshot example of Categories only Gradebook pointing out dropped grade. Graphic link opens modal with larger image. Press Escape to exit modal.

With Categories only, course grades are calculated the same as in a gradebook with No categories (described above). However, if all items in a category accept the same total point value or the category has the Equal Weight option enabled, yous can automatically drop the lowest or highest grades, or go along the highest grades within that category. Dropped grades are omitted from the course class calculation, and the total points possible in the category are reduced by the point value(southward) of the omitted item(due south).

For more information on course calculations when grades are dropped/kept, run across How does Gradebook calculate automatically dropped grades? For more than data on equal weight categories, see How does Gradebook calculate grades with an equal weight category?

Note: You must assign each particular to a category for the item to be included in students' course grades. For steps to assign existing items to categories, see How do I edit or delete a gradebook detail?

Ungraded items are not included in a educatee's course grade.  Leaving a grade entry blank reduces the full points possible by the point value of the ungraded detail for that pupil.

Categories & Weighting

Use Categories & weighting to grouping gradebook items into categories, and weight each category as a pct of the full form class.  The sum total of all category percentages must equal 100% (or more, if at that place is an Extra Credit category - for more data, see How does extra credit work in Gradebook?)

For example, if Exams are worth xx% of the course grade, the Exams category (20%) could include a Midterm Exam (l points) and Final Exam (100 points).

Each student'southward course course is the sum of the categories' weighted averages.  Run into below for boosted information most dropping and keeping grades, and example calculations.

Annotation: You must assign each item to a category for the particular to be included in students' course grades. For steps to assign existing items to categories, see How do I edit or delete a gradebook item?

Ungraded items are not included in a pupil's class grade.  If any grade entry is left blank, the total points possible inside the category are reduced by the point value(s) of the ungraded item(s) for that student.

Dropping and keeping grades

If all items in a category have the same full point value or the category has the Equal Weight option enabled, you tin can automatically drop the lowest or highest grades or go along the highest grades inside that category. Dropped grades are omitted from the course grade adding, and the total points possible in the category are reduced past the point value(southward) of the omitted item(southward).

For more than information on grade calculations when grades are dropped/kept, see How does Gradebook calculate automatically dropped grades? For more information on equal weight categories, see How does Gradebook calculate grades with an equal weight category?

Categories & Weighting - Example Calculations

Beneath is an case of how a Gradebook with three weighted categories, Exams (20%), Assignments (xl%), and Quizzes (40%), would calculate a student'south grade.

Screenshot of Gradebook with grades described below. Graphic link opens modal with larger image. Press Escape to exit modal.

The Gradebook calculates the student's score for each item by:

Multiplying the per centum grade the student earned past the detail's relative weight (point value).

In the example pictured in a higher place, in Exams, Student One earned:

  • 95% on Concluding Exam, which has a relative weight of 100. His score for Final Exam is 0.95 x 100 = 95 points.
  • 80% on Midterm Exam, which has a relative weight of 50.  His score for Midterm Exam is 0.80 x fifty = 40 points

The Gradebook calculates the weighted average in each category by:

  1. Totaling the educatee's scores for all graded items in the category.

    In the case pictured to a higher place, in Exams, Student Ane earned: Final Test (95 points) + Midterm Test (40 points) = 135 points.

  2. Totaling the indicate values for all graded items in the category.

    Final Exam (100 points) + Midterm Exam (50 points) = 150 full points.

  3. Dividing the pupil's score by the total points, then multiplying that number by 100, to decide the category boilerplate:

    Student I's category average in Exams is xc%:

    • 135/150 = 0.90
    • 0.90 x 100 = 90%
  4. Applying the weight to the category boilerplate.

    Because the Exams category is worth 20% of the form grade, Student One'southward weighted average is 18:

    • To go 20% of a number, multiply the number past 0.2.
    • ninety x 0.2 = eighteen

Tip: The category boilerplate is shown in a column to the correct of the gradebook items in that category. The column header includes the name of the category.

The Gradebook totals the weighted averages to produce the course grade.

If Student One received a category average of 75% for Assignments and 85% for Quizzes, his course grade is 82%, calculated as follows:

  • Exams (twenty%) weighted average (shown above) = 18
  • Assignments (40%) weighted average = 0.iv x 75 = 30
  • Quizzes (40%) weighted boilerplate = 0.iv ten 85 = 34
  • Grade Class = 18 + xxx + 34 = 82


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